Hi, I'm Aleah! And let me guess - you're an entrepreneur with a powerful soul, a big heart, and even bigger aspirations. But you're tired of chasing after the next sale and trying to reach the right leads. Sounds about right? Don't worry, I'm here to set up a system that allows you to focus on what you love while you make money behind the scenes. Yes, it's possible.
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Imagine making money and connecting with potential clients while you're at the grocery store. While you're laughing with your family. While you're taking a long shower. No more doing everything alone. Gone are the days of intense strategy that requires you 24/7. That is not the dream you've worked so hard to build.
"Where do I even start, Aleah?" Great question - and the one I get the most often. Take the quiz to find out where you should start based on your offers, your business, and my expertise.
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Are you ready to get in there and figure it out yourself? Utilize my shop for education and help.
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Enough chasing the next couple hundred dollars, let your passive strategy do it for you.
Get full access to my expertise to build a solid foundation for your biz to grow.
You know you need support to reach the next level you're striving for, but what does that mean? Where do you start? Whether you need a full partnership with daily tech support and expert guidance or a DIY solution, I'm here to help.
"If you are thinking about working with Aleah in any capacity, hands-down, 10 stars, absolutely
Of course I love the technology, the spreadsheets, and the strategy behind the business (yes, I actually love it!), but the best part of my job? When my clients tell me they feel at peace and aligned in their business, not emotionally drained and overwhelmed. It's possible for you to have the time freedom, financial freedom, and work life balance you crave. It's your turn, and I'm here to help you have it.
Listen, I didn't think it was possible either - I grew up on a wheat farm in rural Kansas and now am utilizing the future of digital entrepreneurship to help make women massive money. It's been a rollercoaster, but more on that later.
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Want to figure out where you should start with email marketing? Totally get it - funnels can be confusing. Grab the free guide to learn the 3 most effective email sequences and how to leverage them in your marketing.